
Sundays. The great “day of rest” in the west (oooh that kinda rhymed -move over M&M)

So why does it feel like Sunday is basically Mondays pre-party? There’s laundry to do, lunch to make, and inevitably thinking about what new idiocy your boss is going to implement. And you KNOW he will. Adulting is hard, so Sundays are an ideal time to treat yourself to all the little things that are going to make you feel a bit better about having to clock in and be a grown up for the week.

I remember when I was a kid (it was all in black and white back then) Sundays lasted all day, they were lazy and carefree, and mostly full of cartoons, mums Sunday roast, and just loafing about

Also “mostly naked Sunday” is a thing for other people too right? Im writing this in tshirt and underwear FYI, so you dont need the mind bleach.

Stay beautiful, Ulf.

Drowning, not waving.

There are things about being male that are traditionally expected of you. You are meant to not show weakness or fear, to “man up” or “walk it off”. Things are changing regarding that, and men are encouraged to actually show normal human emotions now, and not just be like a hairy robot that’s good at football and putting shelves up. Still, bottling it all up is WAY too common and can, and does, lead to all manner of problems.

Mens mental heath is a thing that gets overlooked more often than not. This is because we bury everything until it is too late, and then, like a champagne bottle being opened, our cork flies across the room and all the pent up bubbles come pouring out.

I have first hand experience of this, having suffered bouts of chronic depression for almost my entire adult life. I’m good at the moment, no meds needed. I hope it stays that way. It has for a few years now, even through bereavement, pet deaths, and divorce.

I guess what I’m trying to say (and not only to the men who might read this), is if you feel it is becoming all to much for you, there is no shame in reaching out to friends, medical professionals, or some of the amazing charities and phone lines that can help. If you feel like life is drowning you, shout, and some kind soul will throw you a life ring.

Stay beautiful. Ulf.

Is this thing on?

Well then, here I am. Been pondering blogging for a bit and thought “It’s 2019, why the heck not!”. Second life is what this is all about (well mostly), and the life of a guy in SL. Theres not a whole lot of fellas blogging out there, compared to the women of the grid, so I figured I would help redress the balance a bit.

I do love my shopping, finding cool new things, cool new places, and interesting designs and designers, so why not come with me as I explore our virtual world, bank card in hand.

A bit about me: Im a nine year inmate of second life, I like the slightly more alternative side of fashion. Anything a bit out of the norm really appeals to me, as you’ll probably see in pretty short order. I Dj and host, and probably talk a bit too much.

Oh, and the name of the blog? Well, out there in the “meat world” I really do have a pile of cats, and like the odd rum. Brings out the inner pirate.